Material Selection
Choosing the right material for your shutters can dramatically reduce the amount of maintenance and increase the aesthetics of your shutters. To make this simple and easy, Black Hinge & Hardware offers hinges in cast iron, galvanized steel and marine grade stainless steel material. Corrosion resistant aluminum, brass, and bronze are also used in our accessories.
For many historic applications and projects that require a period look and feel, we offer a cast iron option. As a first line of defense against oxidization, we have powder coated all cast iron items with a matte finish. These items must be checked periodically and will require some maintenance over time.
For standard applications, we offer galvanized steel which is powder coated black and is resistant to oxidization. These are very rugged hinges and are suitable for most shutter applications.
For coastal regions that have a high exposure to salt and extreme conditions, we offer the highest grade of stainless steel in the industry. These stainless steel hinges are powder coated black and will not rust. Since it is equally important for the shutter hardware to beautify your home and be operable in extreme climates, this is the ultimate solution.